How to Experience More Ellevated Outcomes (a lot more) in 2023
For the past 7 years (before Ellevated Outcomes even officially began), I’ve been writing a blog post, nearly weekly. Although they’ve always been connected to my fascination with career and business, they’ve spanned in perspective, ranging from the personal: like Should You Change Your Name after Marriage? to how-to’s: like 5 Steps to Calculate Your Real Revenue. And though some say that long-form writing is dead, I haven’t really cared because I like writing. It’s a creative outlet, a meditation, a sharpening tool… to reflect, digest information, and get sharper with my ideas.

Then late last year, on a solo trip to Art Basel Miami, my reflection and creative juices really got flowing. (It’s amazing what conclusions you come to when you travel alone). I realized: I wanted to write more personally. Still about business (I do just love business) but in an even more first person way. I was ready to share a little more. Be a little more controversial. Have a really clear point of view – and be okay if someone didn’t like it. Live (and write) more boldly. Vibrantly. Controversially. Honestly.
So this year, I’m taking a different approach to my writing. I’m still doing it every week. Well, most weeks. Madyson’s told me that when I’m away, I’m allowed to take a break : ) But because I’m sharing more – about Ellevated Outcomes and about me – it’ll be through email. At times, I call it a business love letter. Sometimes it’s more like my business diary. Yet other times, it may read like a NYT business op-ed. So if you’d like to hear from me and learn what’s going on inside Ellevated Outcomes and well: inside me as its leader, I’d love for you to sign up here.
ps nerd note: We hold ourselves to European data compliance standards, so you’ll have to double opt-in.
pps: photography from Taea Thale