It’s February…
and I wanted to check in. How are you doing?
January’s been an off-month for many people, I’ve observed. This year felt like it got a sluggish start; I honestly think it has something to do with starting the year off in the middle of the week.
So between that, wacky weather, and the 2018 fatigue hangover, it seems like things have been moving slowly for people in business and in life. Plus, this Friday is the Fatty Solstice, so that doesn’t help.

If you’re someone who blinked and missed last month, and now you’re feeling behind, you are not alone.
It’s a new month, and there’s so much time left to grow and do good this year. Recently, a client said this brilliant thing:
Three months from now, you’re going to be upset about the work that you didn’t do today.
What he means is: if you want to change the outcome, you have to change the process. And the process starts today.