15 Ways to Level Up Your Business (without making more money)
When I was reviewing takeaways from our Client Appreciation Event, I was surprised by a trend I spotted in my notes: several clients expressed that they were looking for inspiration and tools to “Level Up” their business.
Now, you may be thinking: “Duh. Of course Ellevated Outcomes clients want to level up. Why are you surprised?” I think that I didn’t expect this because there’s so much in the media right now about slowing down. Not pushing so hard. Gosh, even the “lazy girl job” (siiigh).
So over the past few weeks, I’ve been doing my market research and inquiring with clients and colleagues: “How do you want to level up? What will that look like for you?” And when you drill into details, there’s more to this idea than meets the (external) eye…
When one says “level up,” it’s easy to assume “Grow. Get bigger.” And while this is the case for some clients (like this one), it shouldn’t be the case for all. Businesses go through different growth phases. This is healthy and necessary. Sometimes it’s time to grow upward, and sometimes it’s time to grow across and downward. In fact, a strong segment of our clients this year are planning to contract their topline but reorganize the inside to make more profit and strengthen their business foundation, quality, and well… happiness.
Here are 15 examples of how to do just that:
1. Level Up Your People
- Eliminate, automate, or delegate the red work from your Energy Audit.
- Clarify people’s (and your) roles and responsibilities with Position Agreements.
- Hold monthly 1-1s and quarterly business reviews to bring your team into the broader business picture.
2. Level Up Your Clients
- Refresh your ideal client for the products and services you want to sell now and going forward.
- Find out where this new level of clients and customers is hanging out, and go there (figuratively and literally).
- Update your agreements and cancellation policies.
3. Level Up Your Client Experience
- Refresh your branding or packaging.
- Create a VIP or High Value Client experience.
- Add an after-sale, stay-in-touch process.
4. Level Up Your Operations
- Automate scheduling.
- Automate your inventory.
- Move into a new office space, like The Malin!
5. Level Up Your Money
- Automate billing.
- Create a pricing calculator (this is a huge one that I forgot to include in the Energy Vampire post).
- Complete your monthly CEO Scorecard.
Do you see what I mean? There are lots of ways to level up on the inside, that create more efficiency, energy, and excitement. And while these actions are not automatic nor instantaneous money-makers, they do lead to long-game financial growth. No doubt about it. And in the meantime, I know this to be true: when you’re functioning at a higher level, you will rise with the energy you’re emitting. And right now, at this moment, I am very sure: this is the level up that every business and every human I know, is seeking.