Join us for Nashville Design Week (even if you’re not in Nashville)!
We’ve spent the last several weeks talking about connections. After all, that’s what authentic business development is – not sales; connection. So today, I want to make a mini-announcement about a non-profit investment that gives us an excuse to connect with like-minded and hearted people next week: Nashville Design Week.
This week-long event has become an integral, annual touchstone in the Nashville creative community. And there are two things that make it special and significant this year.
It’s online (so anyone in the world can join); and the theme is near and dear to our hearts: reshaping design.
As we spoke to the event’s creators, a one particular definition of reshaping design, which intersects with our work, arose over and over again:
As you know, we have our own ideas, but we can’t wait to learn from others and expand our thinking.
It’s next week, and it’s chock full of deep, soulful, and stirring content. Registration is limited (though replays are available), so take a peek at the calendar and join us for anything that catches your eye. If you’re a client or one of our business partners, we’ll be back in touch about our private reflection event on November 9th.
If you’d like to register for Nashville Design Week and join us, please comment below so that we know to look out for you! We’re looking forward to difficult questions, deep learning, and connecting with you over beautiful, inspiring design and people.